What did you say, Stan?
The Fall Guy
JoinedPosts by The Fall Guy
To Newboy
by Muddy Waters ini’ve just finished reading your book, couldn’t put it down!
what a great work!
it’s disgusting what the organization does in “god’s name”!!
Age when parents should stop bathing their children
by Wonderment inby what age should parents stop bathing and wiping their children's bottoms?
when are these actions a definitely no-no?.
The Fall Guy
Never had to deal with such a scenario - thankfully!
But my best friend who is a house-husband, eventually ceased this process for his two little daughters by the time they were 3-4 years old. Trained them quite quickly to do it for themselves.
Which reminds me: I used to get quite embarrassed sometimes when I was out with my mother and I needed to pee. She'd stand me at the edge of the pavement/sidewalk, pull down my trousers and underpants, and get me to pee in the gutter. I'd complain to her, "Mum, stop doing this to me. I'm twenty six years old now!"
A little rant about prayer
by BourneIdentity inis god responsible for every good thing that happens in your life?
i ask this because a brother gave a talk several weeks ago and said that.
he said when anything positive happens, we must not assume it was by mere coincidence, but we have to have 100% confidence that jehovah cares for us and was involved.. however, people complain that jehovah doesn’t answer their prayers and are told you have to keep asking, you need to show him you really want it bad.
The Fall Guy
Biblically, God will answer all prayers when "the god of this system of things" reign is removed and replaced by Christ's rulership.
Does God answer any prayers for less pain, more money, new job, more food, a better home, etc? Nope!
Sorry to disagree with Elder Stab-in-the-back in my previous congregation, but the local council was not divinely influenced by God to give you and your Mrs. a nice little bungalow after you prayed for it.
Attributing events which are the result of personal endeavour, happen-stance or serendipity to the results of prayer, is effectively declaring yourself to be more favoured by God than others who pray - but receive nothing!
Police descend on Jehovah's Witness HQ after abuse allegations
by BourneIdentity inhttp://brusselstimes.com/belgium/justice/15271/police-descend-on-jehovah-s-witness-hq-after-abuse-allegations.
The Fall Guy
Pity it wasn't the HQ as the O.P. title mistakenly states - it's a Branch Office. But still, it's a start.
Fading challenges
by Addison0998 inso the past few months since we’ve been married, we’ve hardly been going to the meetings.
and my mother says that an informer has been calling her to “tell on us” for not going to the meetings.
we’ve told some people that we have been attending meetings in a different area and hall since we are considering moving there.
The Fall Guy
Hi Addison, it looks like it's time for you both to put on the complete suit of fading armour!
If you apply these crucial principles to your situation, you may save yourself a lot of grief. In order to fade as painlessly & safely as possible from the org, it is imperative to always keep this in mind when in the presence of J.W.'s, especially if it's elders: "Divulge nothing".
Giving personal information to such ones will be like putting a rope around your own neck. Sadly, many J.W.'s don't believe they have the nerve/courage/know-how to refuse to discuss things when questioned by the "appointed shepherds."
NEVER forget that elders know they cannot force you to talk with them, so they rely on your fear of their non-existent authority in order to make you comply with their interrogation.
The following applies whether you attend the hall or not and is by no means comprehensive, but it is simple, straightforward, and very effective if you are offered a "shepherding call" or invited into the back room at the Kingdom Hall for a "chat".
If the former, simply say, "thanks for your offer brothers, but not at the moment. I'll let you know when I feel ready."
If the latter, enter the room and let them reveal what's on their minds. (your lack of field service, meeting attendance, etc.)
Now you're ready to say something along these lines: "Thank you for your concerns brothers, but I have private & personal issues which I can't discuss with anyone at the moment, but I certainly appreciate your motives and concern. If things change, it's good to know that I can call you. Thank you for your offer".
Elders' Conversation Stoppers:
1) "We only want to come and give you encouragement." Simply repeat the response above - especially the phrase "private & personal."!
2) "But how can we help you if you won't talk to us?" "Everyone has private & personal situations which they can't discuss with others, and I'm sure that includes the elders - I'm no different!"
3) "Are you refusing to talk with us?" "No, I just don't want to discuss things right now. I'll call you if things change."
If they push with their interrogation, just say 'thanks' and walk away immediately!
Do not prolong the interrogation. They can't punish you for ending a conversation! Repeat any/all of the above to ANYONE who tries to extract information from you, because the elders MAY get someone you TRUST to try and get information out of you!
If you rehearse & practice your responses, you will be so much more confident and able to fend off any attempts to ambush you. Always display a meek but firm disposition.
NEVER act confrontational with the wolves, because there's always ONE in the pack who will go for you!
Best wishes for a happy fade.
not nor ever was a jw, but...
by sting of truth inhi all my name is chad.
i'm a christian.
i operate a small non denominational ministry.
The Fall Guy
Welcome S.O.T. Hope you have an enlightening time while you are here.
I Ended my Bible Study
by Maria Nieves ini ended my bible study today.
several months ago, i began to feel that the truth was not the truth.
as the months progressed, my feelings intensified.
The Fall Guy
Hi Maria, you have probably just made the biggest and best decision of your life. Many here will envy your fast escape.
You have saved yourself a lifetime of devoting your obedience, time, and money to a cult which is anti-scriptural in its teachings and its name, and anti-Christ in its only religious ceremony - the memorial.
Go and enjoy your freedom! (you have a PM)
Reporting Live From Orangeburg Assembly Hall
by HiddenPimo in2,259 in attendance .
9 baptized.
$21,000 to operate one day assembly.
The Fall Guy
@ Maria Neves: The anti-scriptural & mind-controlling teachings of JW's continue unchallenged by the flock!
If JW's just sat down for 3 minutes and considered Matthew 18:15-17 - using their own thinking abilities - perhaps their hearts & minds might see for the first time that Jesus said absolutely nothing about elders being involved when someone commits a serious sin.
In fact, he explicitly stated that if a sin has been witnessed by someone, the matter should be resolved between the sinner and the witness. No one else was to be involved.
Jesus never said anything about Christians having to confess to elders. Verse 16 is referring to other witnesses of the sin - not witnesses of the accusation.
Matthew 18:17 & 1 Timothy 5:20 also show exactly who should be informed of an unrepentant member & their sin, as a warning for the whole congregation - not just elders.
Reddit is Joining EFF to Fight the WatchTower!
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara ina must read update to darkspilvers subpeona.
reddit has joined the eff's effort to fight the jehovah's witness organization, watchtower bible & tract society, who subpoenaed redditor darkspilver's identity using tenuous claims of copyright infringement.. set to go live in 5 hours!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsyvcy0pkok.
The Fall Guy
Surprising that the org is making such a fuss about someone who never criticised or ridiculed the org - while here or on Reddit - and never submitted any JW material/news items which weren't already in the public domain and subject to Fair Use laws. Neither did Darkspilver give any hints while he was here that he was a devout J.W.
The org is apparently "pursuing" someone they know they have no legal chance of catching. Why?
Great Sell-Off is for the Expansion Work in Africa
by HiddenPimo inthey say this sell off is for the need to build more kh.
however the branch accounting video that was leaked shows otherwise.. is there a way to find out how many halls are constructed in africa and other places to show the money trail is to pay for child abuse cases and not new halls.?.
The Fall Guy
The elephant in the room (not in the African KH's - too small!) is this:
Why isn't the org bombarding JW's with wonderful videos of all the new K.H.'s that are allegedly being built for "poor brothers"?